By Kimberton Fire Company
December 17, 2014

Saturday December 13, 2014. Firefighters from the Kimberton Fire station spent the entire day hauling Santa around the district. Crews loaded up on three (3) separate units so they could cover the entire district during the daylight hours. As children came out of their homes to see Santa, they were given candy canes by the firefighters. Many gave Santa their lists and cards, while parents followed up by going to the chase vehicle behind the fire truck. In that vehicle was the much treasured Kimberton Fair donuts. Chief Pollinger reported that members made and sold 575 dozen donuts this year. Fire crews also handed out 90 dozen candy canes to kids throughout the district. By dinner time the crews sold all the donuts, gave away all the candy canes and visited the bulk of the community. Thanks to all that came out and supported this event and handed firefighters donations to the department.

Hyperlinks: Santa Video